Aspenyarrow to release heartfelt new single, "Lonely” on Sept. 20th
A deeply personal introduction, “Lonely” is just the beginning of a series of mental health themed projects over the next several months, culminating in the release of her next full-length album, T(o)o, in 2025.
As she looks forward to her upcoming releases, Aspenyarrow remarked on how she knew “Lonely” needed to be the first single from the album to be released. “The ideas and feelings I was processing when I wrote this song are at the heart of this album. I wrote it as a way to process my own loneliness, sadness, longing for connection and self acceptance,” she shared recently. “I’ve noticed that many people feel this way, so I hope that anyone who may find themselves in the same situation as I was/am finds at least a few minutes of relief when they hear this song.”
Influenced and inspired by the likes of Phoebe Bridgers, Dodie, Imogen Heap, and Lizzy McAlpine, “Lonely” seamlessly blends honest storytelling, with a driving beat and intricate harmonies, creating something that she hopes will not only resonate with the listener in their ears and in their soul but stick with them and help them as they walk through their own struggles.
Aspenyarrow’s musical journey to this point is certainly one of many twists and turns. She came up in choirs and bar bands before diving headlong into the first iteration of Aspenyarrow, an electro-pop duo, while finding her place in bands like Solar Gain and the Denali Cooks. She has now reclaimed Aspenyarrow as her solo-persona and jumped into a new era. Embracing this transition, she remains grounded in her roots, growing and learning both as a musician and as a human.